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Sunday, November 14, 2021

FEEDING TIME! Watch These Little Orange And White Cuties Chow Down! (2 VIDEOS)


Hey everyone, we finally got all six kittens settled and safe.

We split them up into 2 cages by personality as four were very receptive to being pet and held and two were a little scared.

So we split them up into two friendlies in with one scardy hoping their demeanors would relax the other one.

As it so happens each group – it was not planned – consist of three boys and three girls.

As that is the case, here are two videos of feeding time in the intake room last night.

First the demure and dainty girls...

Now the messy boys...

I don't know how that one guy got that one spot of food on his head but I'm sure someone cleaned it off for him!

They are adorable!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Getting The 6 New Kittens Settled In! (6 PICTURES)

It's a little late in the season to be dropping a litter of 6 kittens but it appears someone didn't get the message.

But it is all good because that's what we are here for.

After our team magically trapped ALL SIX kittens in ONE TRAP! – that's a first for us – it is now time to settle these little babies and fatten them up for a few weeks.

The crew consists of three boys and three girls and they are about 6-7 weeks old.

After they hit 2 pounds we can spay and neuter everyone, get them all their vaccines, and then they'll be ready for adoption.

With this bunch of beauties, I don't think we're gonna have any problem placing them as we got them early enough that they have no fear of humans and are already letting us pet and hold them.

Here are a few pictures of the brood which weren't easy to get as they are in constant motion!

Updates will be coming!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

FERAL KITTEN INCOMING! Success! We Trapped All Six Kittens And Their Mama! (Ferals #595-601)

Well, that went better than expected!

We trapped all six of the feral kittens and the mama in one trap. 

That is a miracle!

We are going to get these guys out of the cold and into the shelter for some food and rest.

Updates and pictures to come!!!

Monday, November 1, 2021

EMERGENCY CALL! We Just Got An Urgent Call That A Mama And Her Babies Need Rescuing With This Attached Picture

Hey Everyone!

We just got in a call – and a picture – from a couple in Calverton about mama on their porch just feeding her SIX kittens.

The elderly couple who called had been feeding the mother so when she gave birth she assumed it was safe to return to their house.

While the couple has been setting out food for the brood they do not have the resources to continue so they want us to trap the whole lot!

This is a job for our expert trapper Donna Baldridge who has already begun *dummy feeding* the traps!

Dummy feeding is when the trapper puts food in the trap but does not set it so all the cats feel safe entering the trap so they can catch them all at once.

Finger's crossed!