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Sunday, June 9, 2024

FERAL KITTEN UPDATE!!!! Honey And Maple Reveal Their True Personalities! (VIDEO)


Well, it took a couple of days, but Honey And Maple have decided to share their personalities with us, and it was not a surprise.

While both are deadly cute, they have very distinctive and differing attitudes towards how they spend their time.

While Maple is an all-out, full-throttle crazy boy, Honey is a reserved and delicate little flower who needs her beauty sleep and does not engage in such tomfoolery!

As is the case, we decided to film the two after we put them back in their cage for the night, and this is the show we got...

The two little ones have gone and are at their forever home now, and we truly miss their antics.

The word from the family is that they and their two little daughters are IN LOVE with Honey And Maple... How could they not be? ðŸ˜»

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