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Monday, April 4, 2022

FERAL INCOMING! We Got The Other 2 Cats Who Lost Their Caretaker (#621-622)

Smudge ----- & ----- Boots

In Mid March a woman who lived in an apartment complex and fed several feral cats passed away leaving them with no caretaker.

She was the only person they have ever had contact with and they are the only cats she ever had though they never came into her home.

We were able to trap BobChester (Yes, that's what happens when you can't decide to name a cat Bob or Chester) and get him into the shelter...


But couldn't get the remaining cats... We didn't even know how many there were.

Well, there were 2 and we finally got them!

Their names are Boots and Smudge.

Here is Boots...

And here is Smudge...

We are presently evaluating them – and BobChester – to see if they can be socialized.

If they are too feral they can be taken back to their home as the woman's wonderful neighbors have stepped up and said they would continue to feed the mini-colony because that's what their neighbor would have wanted.

Updates to come!

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Zeke Got His Fang Pulled And He's Woozy! (VIDEO)

Poor Zeke needed to get his front fang pulled today.

The veterinarian notice some decay in his front left canine and noticed that it was causing the big man some serious pain when he touched it.

That means every time Zeke ate the pain must have been terrible.

And being in a colony he only got dry food which must have been unbearable.

Now it is no longer a problem for the big boy!

While he is still loopy from the anesthesia he has no problem with his appetite as you can watch him chow down on some lightly watered down mushed up food or as we call it "pudding"...