Donate To Ames Feline Adoption & Rescue INC.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

THE TOTALS ARE IN! The Annual AFAR Fundraiser Brought In $13,000 For The North Fork Animal Welfare League! YAY! YAY! YAY!

Great news, everyone! 

The bi-annual AFAR's "Betty's Boutique Yard Sale Fundraiser" was a HUGE success! 

Through the diligent and unwavering work of Marja and her magic boutique, AFAR was able to rake in  $13,000 for The North Fork Animal Welfare League!

Here is their post on Facebook...

Here is a video from the sale with some sweet Hotel California jamming in the background...

Don't forget there will be a second "Betty's Boutique Yard Sale Fundraiser" in the Fall, so get your shelves cleared off and your closets emptied because shopping time is coming!

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